S**t’s getting real!! The excitement is building as I complete the first draft of my memoir. I’m rolling my sleeves up and going back to the beginning, ready to do some thoughtful editing.
A Memoir in the Making – Part 2
Time flies when you’re writing a memoir! A few thoughts on the last few months as I continue to create my own unique version of the writer’s life.
A Memoir in the Making – Part 1
In my head, I saw myself writing my entire memoir in solitude in my cozy little home, drinking good coffee with little to no distractions. In reality, it hasn’t even been close. But through it all, one thing is clear: my commitment to finishing it is stronger than ever.
The Ever-Evolving Creative Space
I’m realizing that it’s less about where I write and more about letting it happen when it needs to.
Do Copyeditors Read Differently than the Average Joe?
So often when a person is reading, their brains will read things as they expect them to be, not as they’re actually written. What happens when that person is a copyeditor?
Beware the ‘F’ Word: What Every Writer Needs to Know
Are we getting lazy? Maybe we’re not as good at this as we think we are?? The real reason we’re not catching our own typos.