It’s the end of August, 2020, and I’ve been fortunate to have been living in a writer’s paradise for the last few months. The trees remind me daily of strength and resilience, the deer roam freely in all their beauty and grace and the mesmerizing sounds and smells of the ocean are just a stone’s-throw away. Exactly the environment I needed to finish the first draft of my memoir.
Yep, I did it. At just over 97,000 words, I ceremoniously typed ‘The End’ at the end of May and closed my laptop. At that point, I handed it over to a focus group: a book club, consisting of six amazing, thirty-something women, all with fulfilling lives and a perpetual thirst for books (two of them happen to be my nieces!) I also had a manuscript evaluation done by a wonderful and extremely thorough editor. To say I’m grateful for all the varying perspectives and comments is an understatement.
So, here I am, reacquainting myself with the story. It’s time to go back through the memoir with fresh eyes and from more of an outside perspective to nip and tuck as needed. I’ll keep you posted as I continue to strive for a finished product filled with all my heart and soul!
Let me know if you’ve got any tried-and-true suggestions on how to keep the inspiration flowing as I get closer to the finish line. I just may need them 🙂
Okay, here goes…wish me luck!
Photo Credit
Photo by Carol Good – all rights reserved
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